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Types and Benefits of Recycling System

Recycling Systems: Types and Benefits

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The recycling industry continues to grow in importance. The demand among consumers for the recycling of discarded items is soaring. Among all recyclable materials, automobiles are recycled the most. The primary objective of recycling is to prevent the excessive use of raw materials. In addition to reducing air and water pollution, recycling reduces energy consumption. Recycling is also beneficial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Why Does Recycling Occur?

Recycling provides numerous environmental and human benefits. It is primarily performed:

  • To decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators
  • To preserve natural resources such as wood, water and minerals
  • To eliminate pollution
  • To conserve energy
  • To support valuable resources and manufacturing
  • To aid in the creation of employment

Types of Recycling Systems

The recycling process involves cleaning and classifying things. There are various recycling systems, and the classification of recyclables is sometimes based on the system employed. The materials are recyclable through mixed waste collection, source separation or commingled recyclables.

  1. Mixed Waste Collection

This procedure involves mixing recyclable products with waste materials. After being combined with waste, valued materials are separated and cleaned. This is one of the most straightforward recycling methods available to businesses. All the recyclable materials, including plastic bottles, metal or steel cans, paper and cardboard, are combined in one container. Although it generates a great deal of recyclable waste, it is a simpler way to increase recycling in the workplace. In addition to being a practical and efficient method for discarding recyclable materials, it is also environmentally friendly; this is due to the need for raw materials, dependence on fossil fuels and reduction of carbon footprints.

  1. Source Separation

Source separation is separating different types of solid waste at their point of generation. The wastes are separated into many groups based on the collecting mechanism used and their ultimate destination. With this type of recycling, all materials are sorted and cleaned before collection. Source separation thus has the advantage of requiring less cleaning after collection. However, you should be aware of which materials are recyclable. This innovative waste management strategy decreases garbage disposal and resource deployment.  

  1. Commingled System

All recyclable materials are gathered together in a commingled recycling system, also known as “single-stream” recycling. Recyclable items are kept apart from waste items, such as rubbish. This recycling system’s primary objective is to divert more waste from landfills; thus, recycling will become easier for the general public. This approach for recycling minimizes sorting work and collection expenses. As the commingled system of recycling gathers more recyclable garbage, companies have an excellent chance to increase their diversion rates. However, this system requires assistance from instructors and public services to educate the public on recyclable materials.

Benefits of Recycling Systems

Environmental Benefits of Recycling

  • Due to raw resources, deforestation affects natural habitats and causes global warming. Recycling decreases the demand for raw materials, thereby conserving the world’s rainforests.
  • Toxic chemicals and greenhouse gas emissions from landfills are detrimental to the environment. Recycling reduces the environmental impact of waste.
  • When goods are manufactured from raw materials, substantial energy is required. Recycling reduces energy consumption and helps with the conservation of natural resources.

Benefits of Recycling to People

  • Recycling assists with waste management. Our landfills are quickly reaching capacity, and we will have no space for trash in a few years.
  • Creating new products requires extensive use of natural resources. Recycling reduces the demand for raw materials and energy consumption; consequently, recycling protects natural resources for future generations.
  • The manufacturing of new products is expensive. However, when products are manufactured with recycled materials, costs are reduced; consequently, recycling reduces expenditures.Types and Benefits of Recycling System

Tips for Recycling

Recycling does not need professional expertise. Here are some simple suggestions for effectively mastering the art of recycling:

  • Before you recycle cardboard, you should compress it
  • Have designated bins at home, in the workplace and on the street
  • Choose recycled materials
  • Before recycling, consider reuse and consumption reduction.

So try to include recycling into your regular routine. Every time you dispose of an item, ensure that it can be recycled or reused.

To learn more about recycling systems, visit Reaction Distributing online or call us at (888) 244-0009 today.

Things To Know About Trash Compactors

Trash Compactors: What to Know

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The Need for Trash Compactors

Do you get tired of bringing the garbage out all the way to a collection point regularly? Do you wish there was a simpler way to dispose of your trash a little faster and more conveniently?

For a long time, trash compactors have been used by both the populace and businesses. These machines reduce the size of any rubbish heap and allow additional space to be created. If you’ve never heard of them, you’re probably wondering what a trash compactor is and how it works. Let’s address both of these questions and others in the sections below:

What Is a Compactor and How Does It Work?

The term “compactor” is a generic word for the compaction mechanisms used by various sectors to reduce the size of waste materials. Businesses and households alike can get rid of surplus waste piling up in their neighbourhood by using a machine based on this process.

In addition to trash compactors which compact rubbish, soil compactors compress soil and other elements in it. These compactors are used for numerous tasks including site preparation for industrial, commercial and residential construction. Highways, bridges, water retention structures and other key facilities of a modern city rarely have overwhelming challenges, all because of these compactors.

What Are the Benefits?

The trash compactor is the most well-known of all types of compactors. You may have seen them being used for crushing large volumes of trash into smaller volumes, either at home or in a business setting.

They also assist businesses by minimizing the frequency with which garbage containers are emptied. By reducing the volume of garbage in them, more space is available for other waste materials to be collected. As a result, people don’t have to clear them out as frequently, in order to make room for the next batch of garbage.

Things To Know About Trash Compactors

Trash Compactors Come in a Variety of Shapes and Sizes

Trash compactors are used both commercially and residentially because they are very efficient at storing waste. They are further divided into groups based on their function, structure and operating principle. To keep things simple, we’ll divide them into three categories based on their functions:


Residential compactors are, understandably, smaller in size than industrial compactors. They resemble those typically covered trash cans we’ve all seen in our places of residence. But don’t be fooled by its appearance; to ensure proper compaction, it has a completely different setup inside it.

Compactors usually come with a hydraulic mechanism that activates when the corresponding switch is turned on. For this system to work, each detachable part of the bin must be in the correct location. Once the switch is turned on, a built-in hydraulic press comes down from above and compresses the bin’s contents. After this action, you’ll have more room in the trash can to fill.


Commercial trash compactors are larger than residential trash compactors. They have a large trunk-like area in which they deposit various types of non-recyclable waste. Then, from one side, a hydraulic press the size of that area begins compaction, reducing the volume of waste. If you’re not satisfied with the first press, you can press the designated switch for more rounds.


These are specialized trash compactor cans for municipal use which can hold up to 200 gallons of waste. As a result, civil workers don’t have to clear them out as frequently, making overall maintenance much easier. Solar energy is often used to power many of these compactors.

Principles of Operation

A trash compactor’s operation is fairly straightforward:

  1. To start the operation, simply press the correct switch after filling the bin or drawer with trash.
  2. The ram will next compress the garbage from above or from the front.
  3. Remember that bottles and cans should be placed sideways and closer to the centre.
  4. Don’t put in objects that can have a terrible odour if crushed and maintained for a long time, such as raw meat and fish.
  5. Some materials, such as glass, should be avoided. Plastic, aluminum and cardboard are the ideal materials for trash compactors.

For more information and your best selection of trash compactors, visit Reaction Distributing online or call us today at (866) 244-0009.

What To Know About Waste Compactors

Waste Compactors: A Great Idea for Your Company

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What Is a Waste Compactor?

A waste compactor is ideal machinery for organizations that need to dispose of big amounts of rubbish. It operates by compacting waste and processing a variety of unsorted materials. The items are compacted into a container, and after it is full, a trash disposal company brings a new box and disposes of the old one.

Compactors are suitable for any type of business and are safe and simple to operate. Lower trash volume, more effective garbage disposal, better space management and fewer waste pick-ups are just a few of the key benefits of having a waste compactor. Let’s look at these advantages in more detail now:

8 Great Advantages of a Waste Compactor for Your Company

Here are some of the advantages of upgrading to a commercial waste compactor if you want your business to flourish with an efficient waste management system and help save the environment:

  1. Environmentally friendly

Any company that wants to reduce its carbon footprint should install a waste compactor. Adding new waste management initiatives to your company’s green efforts is a good way to go. Upgrading to a commercial waste compactor greatly increases recycling capabilities by allowing your firm to condense wastes for effective recycling (and lowering the quantity of rubbish that goes straight into landfills).

With a commercial waste compactor, your company can finally go green by limiting the amount of non-recyclable waste going to landfills and reducing the number of fossil fuels used by reducing garbage pickups.

  1. Allows more room

Commercial waste compactors, despite their large size, can help businesses save space. A company’s waste is converted into smaller bales or cubes. As a result, the overall volume of waste is significantly reduced; this equates to the use of fewer dumpsters, which are frequently overflowing.

Even if your company generates large amounts of waste, a waste compactor can easily compress it. A waste compactor can save company money by eliminating the need for multiple dumpsters and freeing up valuable space for future use.

  1. Saves time and money

Although a commercial waste compactor’s initial cost may be significant for some businesses, it can save them a lot of money in the long run. Waste management costs are reduced, with fewer expenses for hiring garbage trucks to haul waste, and fewer trips to waste disposal facilities.

It also means a company has more time to focus on other important tasks. When running a business, time is one of the most important factors. A company can focus on other tasks such as marketing and business improvements if time spent on disposal is reduced.

What To Know About Waste Compactors

  1. Aesthetic value and a clean environment

Dumpsters are necessary for any business, but having several of them (each overflowing with trash) can attract unwanted visitors such as mice, rats, raccoons and other animals. However, a waste compactor can reduce waste volume significantly, making it easier to manage and dispose of. This means fewer dumpsters, and the pests they attract will be reduced. Employees benefit from a clean and sanitary work environment.

Furthermore, when trash cans and bins are used, waste can build up and overflow in the disposal area. You don’t want your business to be known for unkempt waste, even if the disposal area is far away from the entrance. With a waste compactor, the sight of overflowing garbage and plastic bags is no longer an eyesore. A waste-free environment will project a positive image to your customers.

  1. Flexible options

A commercial waste compactor can be purchased in various sizes to suit the needs of various businesses. Waste compactors come in a variety of configurations, including stationary, self-contained and vertical. A waste compactor is suitable for the field, the waste volume, and the recycling goals.

A fixed model is popular in industrial and manufacturing facilities which generate large amounts of dry, bulk waste. A provider secures it in place during installation and garbage is deposited in the receiver box. The receiver box is removed and emptied once it is full, but the compactor remains in place. Most models have one to four cubic yard loading chambers. This type of compactor can be set up to handle a variety of materials. These heavy-duty compactors can handle industrial or manufacturing waste regularly.

Waste compactors can also handle large volumes of liquid. The container and compactor are the same thing. When it’s full, the whole thing is separated in order to be emptied. Within the unit, large amounts of liquid can be contained. This type of compactor typically has a loading chamber of one to two cubic yards, with a container ranging in size from 10 to 30 cubic yards.

Compactor on the vertical axis: this type collects the trash in a container that can be removed. It’s perfect for companies that prefer to use recyclable materials like paper, cardboard, plastic and aluminum. The liquids are kept in the container until it is time to empty the unit. You can set it up for rear or front load pick-up, depending on your requirements. To reduce the frequency of pick-ups, you can keep several containers on-site. Hydraulic ejection systems are available on a few models. It is easy to load and maintain this type of compactor.

  1. Easy operation

Waste compactors are simple to operate thanks to technological advances in the industry. A compactor can finish its task of compacting waste into neat cubes with the operation of just a few buttons. Furthermore, the majority of waste compactors require very little upkeep.

  1. Improved safety and sanitation

In the workplace, poor waste disposal can result in serious or fatal accidents. When you upgrade to a commercial waste compactor, you ensure that your company follows all safety regulations, and reduces the costs of compensation associated with paying for lawsuits or medical treatment in the event of an accident or injury.

Businesses with external dumpsters have had to deal with a variety of problems over the years. These can lead to safety concerns, misuse, and even employee theft in the long run. Plus, with a waste compactor, you don’t have to worry about attracting pests or any unpleasant odours leaking out.

  1. Fosters a positive working environment

When your company uses waste bins or dumpsters, employees must pack the waste and transport it to the disposal area, adding up to many labour hours. The time spent handling waste will be reduced if a waste compactor is placed conveniently in the workplace. Your employees will be happier and they will be able to concentrate more on their duties. Most people will also be pleased to learn that their garbage is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

Be sure to visit Reaction Distributing online or give us a call at (866) 244-0009 for more information on waste compactors for your company.